The Bluest Eye 
By: Toni Morrison
Page: 100 of 215

Dear Author, 
      When I started reading the book I was pretty bored in the beginning , but as I kept on reading I noticed a connection between the character Pecola and I which made it outrageous. Pecola thinks she's ugly because of the way people look at her: the grocer looks at her when she goes to buy candy, boys make fun of her, and a girl named Maureen says she's ugly. Well sometimes, I have that feeling too. I sometimes notice or feel that when I go to the bazaar or go shopping some people just look at me up and down and say,"Hmmm that girl needs to get some sense of fashion" or something like that. I also feel as though some of my friends and some boys think Im ugly and say negative things about me behind my back about my looks, and the way  I dress. I have had a girl come up to me from no where and tell me that I have a no sense of fashion whatsoever and that I dress like I am from the 80's or something. Just like Pecola I would LOVEEE to have blue eyes. They are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. I wish to get blue contacts when I can, because I feel as though I can have some beauty rise upon me, just like how Pecola wants.  "I was physically revolted by and secretly frightened of those round moronic eyes, the pancake face, and orangeworms hair," (Toni Morrison Page:20) This quote makes it feel as though people, as in guys for me, like girls who have specific type of structure on them. Like the orangish hair thats wavy makes it feel as though some guys only like girls who have orange hair thats wavy, and not girls with dark brown hair thats wavy. Also, when it says "Pancake face" that makes it seem like guys, well some, don't want any girl that has any other face structure other than the pancake face. I know some people are picky, but some people should look and see how other people actually look and how beautiful they are. " Instead I looked with loathing on new dresses that required a hateful bath in a galvanized zinc tub before wearing," (Toni Morrison Page:22). This quote made me think that if "people" wear nice clothing, that is what only makes them beautiful? I thought people said that personality should be also in the package and not only looks.  Yes, I feel ugly, but that doesn't mean I want to change everything. I can also understand how when there was this one part that people were making fun of people who had eyes closer to their faces and everything and how they were called ugly and how they had it all under control when someone called them ugly. What I mean to say is that I understand that people think that certain people are ugly by only looking at what they are seeing, but shouldn't people also see the beauty they have inside them, like their personality.   I know I haven't really read further on in the book, but I can tell that Pecola and I have some connections, and I think as I keep reading it I will start liking it. 

                                                                                                                Onna Biswas